Flo has been working annually with Stio for over five years as the photographer for all their newest products. Stio, the outdoor gear company that started from the ground-up here in our beloved Jackson Hole, is a brand that produces high quality outdoor wear for every season and for every sport. Whether you’re a climber, a kayaker, a skier, a cyclist, a runner, or just a patron of the outdoors in need of the right gear, Stio always has the latest and greatest equipment and clothing to get you trekking up that mountain or paddling down that river.
Flo loves working with Stio because not only do they give back to the community through their products, but they also are a growing company that benefits her business more and more as the years go by. Photographing their gear is always a treat because it’s truly some of the best-made clothing on the market in JH, and the environment when working with Stio is always one full of kind people with lots of creative energy to work with.
Commercial work is something that Flo is no stranger to, and she values the companies that she has had the opportunity to work with over the years as a photographer in the Jackson area. Whether it’s startups, larger companies, private businesses, banks, bakeries, etc., Flo has found that the people she has met have paved a way to making more connections with the locals of JH and for making more business for herself and her work.